Fr. Nestor Fils-Aime, newly elected Superior General, announced today the formation of his General Council. Fr. Victor Camara, from the Province of Spain, will serve as the Vicar General. He has spent nearly 30 years ministering in Honduras with the Viatorians.

P. Gerardo Soto, P. Néstor Fils-Aime, P. Victor Camara, H. Darius Amani
Br. Darius Amani, from Ivory Coast, will serve as the General Secretary. Last year, he was the first Viatorian from the Region of Ivory Coast to serve on the Provincial Council of France. Fr. Gerardo Soto, from the Province of Chile, will serve as a General Councilor. He is currently Pastor of Divine Savior Parish in Ovalle, Chile.

P. Fredy Contreras
Finally, Fr. Fredy Contraras, from Colombia, will serve as General Councilor. He is currently Rector of Colegio San Viator in Tunja, Colombia and will remain in that position while serving as General Councilor.
Congratulations to all the members of the new General Council with the assurances of our prayers and support as they begin their ministry to the Viatorian community.
Fr. Nestor Fils-Aime will make his Profession of Faith and officially begin his mandate as Superior General on September 1, 2024 with the ceremony taking place in Vourles, France.