The General Council met in Vourles on May 8-9, 2024. The agenda for the meeting included several important issues that we share with you today.
Birth of Three New Viatorian Regions

New professions in Haiti, in 2019
First, the Council approved the requests of Haiti, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast to become Regions. The process included to reach this decision has been in process for the past number of months. Viatorians in each of these countries had worked for months to prepare a dossier for presentation to the General Council.
General Regulations 199-213 describe all the relevant information involved in the creation of a Region in the Congregation. In particular, Regulation 199 outlines the necessary conditions that must be fulfilled for the establishment of a Region. These include the necessary number of religious (about 15), the establishment of a diversity of apostolic commitments, vocation and formation, structures of governance, evidence of leadership, evidence of movement toward financial autonomy. Religious in each of these countries presented thorough, integrated and comprehensive dossiers that presented strong cases to support the establishment of a Region in Haiti, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast.

Viatorians in Ivory Coast
Once completed, these dossiers were sent to the Provincial Councils of Canada and France for their review and support. The Provincial Council of Canada fully supported the request as did the Provincial Council of France. Subsequently the dossiers were sent to the General Council for review and ultimate approval. In recent months the Council has discussed the requests at length. At the General Council meeting of May 8-9, 2024, the General Council unanimously approved the establishment of Haiti, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast as Regions, effective June 1, 2024. Formal decrees of establishment will be issued soon.

New priests ordained in Burkina Faso
The members of the General Council want to add their congratulations at this significant moment in the life of the Congregation. Religious in each country worked very hard in genuine collaboration to prepare the dossiers presenting these requests. We are also grateful for the leadership of the Provincial Councils in Canada and France for their leadership and guidance in preparing the dossiers. Without their support and leadership this would not have been possible.
Finally, to our brothers in Haiti, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast—we share in your joy at reaching this significant moment in the life of the Viatorian Community. Our support and that of all the members of the Congregation are with you as you celebrate this time of growth, development and greater autonomy. May the vision of Father Querbes continue to deepen in our newest Regions!
New Process for General Chapter
A second significant agenda item of the General Council meeting was continued preparation for the 31st General Chapter scheduled for Casa Divin Maestro in Ariccia, Italy from July 3-24, 2024. The agenda has been finalized and all the delegates have received the final agenda and responses of all the Provinces and Foundations to the questions proposed. The Council continues to work on various logistics and planning to insure a successfully Chapter. As these days get closer to the opening of the Chapter, we ask that you continue to remember to pray for the delegates who will gather in Ariccia and ask the Spirit to guide the discussions and decisions reached during July, 2024.
After consultations with delegates of past General Chapters, the General Council has proposed a new and different process for the General Chapter this year. The first week of the Chapter will be devoted to a process of facilitation that invites delegates into a time of personal and communal discernment that will include time for discussion, prayer and personal reflection allowing the voice of the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us in preparation for the work of the final two weeks of the Chapter. Past delegates emphasized the need for more time for personal and communal prayer, discussion and discernment and it is hoped that this process will provide that experience.
New Administrator in Province of France
A third element of important discussion at the May 8-9 General Council meeting was to discuss the situation in France. As you know, the Provincial Superior of France, Fr. Pierre Demierre, and the Assistant Provincial, Fr. Philippe Arnal, recently resigned due to health concerns. Both have some significant health concerns that prevent them from continuing in these roles of leadership and animation. Pleased continue to remember them in prayer as they work toward better health into the future.

Fr. Sylvain Konan
After consultation in France and discussion at the General Council, the Superior General, with the consent of the General Council, has appointed Father Sylvain Konan to serve as the Administrator of the Province of France and delegate of the Superior General from May 15-October 15, 2024. Fr. Konan, who currently serve as the Superior in Ivory Coast, has agreed to accept this responsibility. He will remain in residence in Ivory Coast and continue as Superior of Ivory Coast. He has received a specific mandate from the General Council for his time as Administrator.
The members of the General Council want to express their gratitude to Fr. Sylvain Konan for his willingness to accept this responsibility for leadership and animation of the Province of France. This is a delicate moment in the life of the Province and we are confident that he will provide the leadership and concern for all the religious in France. After October 15 he will convoke a Chapter of Election in France for the purpose of electing a Provincial Superior and one member of the Provincial Council. Please keep our brothers in France in your prayers.
In Viator and Querbes,
Robert M. Egan, CSV
Superior General