On Sept. 1, the anniversary of the death of the founder of the Viatorians, Fr. Louis Querbes, an international group of Viatorians gathered to celebrate the installation of Fr. Nestor Fils-Aimé of Haiti as Superior General of the Congregation.

Fr. Nestor Fils-Aimė, left, with Fr. Robert M. Egan
The day began at the cemetery where the community prayed, sang and reflected at Fr. Querbes’ gravesite. A Eucharistic celebration followed in which Fr. Nestor made his profession of faith, which was received by Fr. Robert M. Egan, outgoing Superior General.
During his homily, Fr. Nestor emphasized that his election as Superior General was a call to service. To further drive home this point, he had Fr. Egan distribute aprons to himself and to the new general councilors present.
The mass was followed by a festive meal in the municipal “Hall of Celebrations.”